Sunday, April 10, 2011

symbols based on superstition or belief

a dream catcher. the threaded ring is supposed to symbolise a magic spiderweb spun in a sacred circle. they are supposed to block out the bad dreams allowing only the good dreams to pass through. they've become something of a kitsch item now. like dimitri martin so cleverly puts it "dream catchers work.... if your dream is too be gay"
the dragons meaning changes from its country of origin. in many european countries, the dragon was a warning for danger, evil and the unknown. in eastern asia, the dragon was a positive force, acting instead as a guardian against bad spirits
the crescent moon is a symbol of the ageing goddess in Wicca (modern day witch craft). it can also be perceived as meaning victory over death in muslim culture.

the elephant with its raised trunk. a symbol of wisdom, dignity, luck and longevity.

the anarchy symbol. i was surprised that i couldn't find one easily around Newtown, only this tiny and poorly executed one above. the A stands or anarchy where the O stands for order. its a common symbol used in punk rock

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